List of starships in Stargate

This is a list of starships in the Stargate franchise.

Ancient starships

The Ancients are one of the most technologically advanced races in Stargate, and this is reflected in their starships. Duplicates of these ships are utilized by their nanite creations, the Asurans, as they also possess knowledge of Ancient technology.

Puddle jumper

A puddle jumper or jumper,[1][2][3] is a small spacecraft created by the Ancients. Several of these ships are located in Atlantis, and are used by the Atlantis Expedition to travel to other planets. The nickname "puddle jumper" was coined by John Sheppard in "Rising". Jumpers are cylindrical ships with an angled front and rear that can fit through a Stargate. The interior is divided in two parts, cockpit and aft section; the bulkhead door between the two is airtight and can hold even against the pressure of deep ocean.[4] Access to the jumper is provided by a rear ramp-hatch. Jumpers have built-in DHDs that can dial Stargates in both the Milky Way and in Pegasus.[1][3] The original cockpit console from the first season was made out of plexiglass,[5] while different console designs are seen in later seasons. As with many pieces of Ancient technology, operating a jumper requires the ATA gene.[1] Commands can be given mentally,[3] or by using physical controls. Information is given to the pilot via a holographic HUD.[1]

During normal flight, a puddle jumper is propelled by two sublight engine pods that extend from the hull; these pods are retracted when the ship is landed or needs to move through a Stargate.[6] Jumpers can operate underwater.[4] They have inertial dampers that negate g-forces inside,[7] which can also be used to change the ship's weight.[8] After having his mind enhanced by an Ancient device, Rodney McKay developed an experimental hyperdrive for the jumpers; though he left the work unfinished, research was later completed.[9] The modified jumper is used to steal a ZPM from Asuras, though the hyperdrive has a range of only 2,000 light-years and McKay believed they would be lucky to complete two jumps in it.[10] Puddle jumpers are armed with drone weapons housed in two retractable pods forward of the engines. They normally do not have shields, but are equipped with a cloaking device to evade enemies which renders the ship effectively invisible to both the eye and most sensors.[1] A jumper's cloaking generator can be set to create a shield instead, but this drains the jumper's power very quickly.[4] McKay has also modified the cloaking generator to generate a Replicator disruptor field.[11] Jumpers used by the Atlantis Expedition are stocked with Earth equipment, including various weapons, emergency supplies, and tools.[6] The Ancient, Janus, created at least two jumpers capable of traveling through time.[12][13]

Aurora-class battleship

The Aurora-class battleship[14] is a warship used by the Ancients at the time of their war with the Wraith,[15] first seen in "Aurora". In that episode, the Aurora is a crippled battleship whose crew have preserved themselves in stasis pods, which self-destructs to avoid falling into the hands of the Wraith. The Atlantis Expedition gains control of an Aurora-class battleship discovered by the Taranians in "Inferno"; it is named Orion by John Sheppard (who dislikes its original name Hippaforalkus). The Orion is barely operational when it is called upon to intercept two Wraith hive ships heading for Earth. Maj. Lorne commands the "Orion" at this point. Dr. Zelenka brings the weapons online at the cost of the shields, and the Orion manages to destroy one hive ship before being destroyed herself.[16] The battleship Tria is encountered along with its Ancient crew in "The Return". The Travelers take control of a derelict battleship with Sheppard's help in "Travelers".[17] Later destroyed as a result of a stargate explosion in episode "The Lost Tribe".[18] In season 4, it is revealed that the Asurans have built 38 Aurora-class battleships for their war with the Wraith. The Daedalus and the Apollo destroyed a few of them, and the rest are destroyed in the explosion of Asuras. Another battleship is known to exist, was commanded by a duplicate Elizabeth Weir.[19][20] which was dismantled to create a base in an ill fated attempt to engineer their way to ascension "Ghost in the Machine"

Aurora-class battleships are much larger than an Earth Daedalus-class battlecruiser and are substantially superior to Wraith hive ships. They are armed with drone weapons and are protected by energy shields.[16] Large turrets line the ship, which are seen in action in "Be All My Sins Remember'd". They have intergalactic hyperdrives though they are not designed for such long trips,[21] and their sublight engines can accelerate the ship to 99.9% of the speed of light[2] if powered by a Zero Point Module.[2][22] The ship can project holograms remotely for communication purposes.[2] They contain numerous stasis pods, which can be connected to allow the crew to interact in a virtual environment.[21] The ship has hangar bays that can accommodate puddle jumpers[20] or Wraith darts.[23]

City ship

An Ancient city ship is a city-sized spaceship constructed by the Ancients. The best-known Ancient city ship is Atlantis, once the Ancients' capital in the Pegasus galaxy and the main setting for Stargate Atlantis. The Ancients abandoned Atlantis 10,000 years ago due to Wraith attacks; the city resided at the bottom of the ocean on Lantea until it is occupied by the Atlantis Expedition from Earth in "Rising". A city ship is a snowflake-shaped platform dotted with buildings, with an internal volume comparable to every building in Manhattan.[24] They are powered by three Zero Point Modules.[1] The main defensive systems of a city ship are drone weapons,[25] and an all-encompassing shield.[8] The massive ventral stardrive allows city ships to launch into space and traverse galaxies via hyperspace.[1] The city itself is not airtight, so its shield must be active during space flight to hold in the atmosphere.[10] City ships carry a complement of smaller ships, dubbed "puddle jumpers" by John Sheppard.[1] The Atlantis Expedition has discovered a multitude of advanced technologies on Atlantis, including long-range sensors,[26] internal transporters,[27] and sophisticated computer systems.[24][25]

In "The Tower", the Atlantis team discovers a second city ship on another planet. Although largely buried with much of its structure collapsed except for the central spire, some systems are still operational and the city's drone weapons and puddle jumpers are transferred to Atlantis. The Asurans were created in a city ship that was leveled when the Ancients deemed their experiment a failure. The Asurans rebuilt the ship, and in "Progeny" it is launched by Oberoth to attack Atlantis. The city ship is destroyed over Lantea when the Atlantis team overload its ZPMs. Another Asuran city ship, a duplicate of Atlantis created by Niam's followers, appears in "This Mortal Coil" and in a prescient vision in "The Seer". It is destroyed by an Aurora-class battleship sent by Oberoth.


Stargate Universe is set aboard the Ancient ship Destiny, a massive vessel which was part of an Ancient experiment to seed the galaxies with Stargates millions of years ago. Their plan to return to the ship after it finished its journey never came about due to their ascension. The ship was sent on auto-pilot, preceded by other automated ships which seeded the habitable worlds along its route with Stargates. It uses an unidentified form of superluminal propulsion, said to be faster than light but "not hyperdrive." Destiny is reached through its on-board Stargate from any other location, using a unique nine-chevron address that acts as a code, dialed on a Stargate with sufficient power supply (only power source sufficient enough so far has been a planet with a Naquadria core, that is far greater than a ZPM is able to provide), the plausibility of which was previously unknown.[28]

The series begins when a team of 80+[29] soldiers and scientists from Earth are forced to flee through the Stargate when their base is attacked. They find themselves on Destiny;[30] unable to return to Earth, they must fend for themselves aboard the ship as it takes them to the far reaches of the universe.[31][32] According to Brad Wright, the show will focus mostly on the people aboard the ship.[33]

The Destiny has three shuttle landing pads and at least two shuttles, one of which had a hull breach until "Faith". In this episode, the shuttle was repaired but its engines could not generate sufficient thrust to leave a planet's gravity well after landing, so it was left behind.

The Destiny has an extensive array of energy weapons, including point-defense turrets located on strategic points all over the ship and a main cannon turret located on the underside of the ship. The point-defense turrets are used to defend against small, agile targets while the larger main cannon is used against capital ships. The larger main cannon can also be adapted for orbital bombardment.

Destiny also has energy shielding to seal hull breaches and to protect against solar radiation and energy weapons. It does this by operating a randomized shield pattern, which continuously cycles through various shield frequencies. The operations of the randomized shield pattern can be manually overridden to operate at a specific, small range of frequencies. The shielding strength can be attenuated to allow solid matter to pass through or increased to protect against impact from large objects. The energy shielding must be engaged to cover the entire ship before it can jump into FTL travel. Destiny can jump into FTL travel with energy shielding capacity as low as five percent.

The Destiny FTL drive system is composed of 16 separate modules. One of these modules had degraded over the years to the point where it brought down overall engine efficiency of the FTL drive system. This same module was later damaged by an act of sabotage and eventually disconnected and removed from the FTL drive system. After the removal of the damaged module, the FTL drive system efficiency was greatly improved. A minimum of three hours have to elapse between the end of one FTL jump and the start of the next. Once the ship is in FTL travel, it must maintain it for a minimum of four hours. Shortening an FTL jump or returning to FTL travel too early will cause cumulative damage to the FTL drive system.

The Destiny is fueled by plasma from stars. The ship skims over a star's photosphere and uses an array of retractable ram-scoops on the underside of the hull (located towards the rear of the ship) to scoop in plasma to recharge its power reserves. Destiny normally refuels itself from cool K- and M-spectral class stars. Surface temperatures of these stars are low enough (less than 5200 K) for the ship's energy shielding to protect the crew and the ship's vital systems. However, the ship can be manually commanded to refuel from stars as hot as O-spectral class. But such a procedure will raise internal ship temperatures beyond habitability.

Initial details of Destiny's mission are revealed in "The Greater Good", when Dr. Rush is forced to reveal that he has cracked the master code and thus has control over the ship. It is stated that the Ancients had discovered a possibly artificial pattern to the cosmic microwave background radiation said to be a remnant of the Big Bang. This discovery suggested the possibility of life prior to or immediately following the Big Bang, and Destiny was launched to study this possibility.

Destiny shuttle

Destiny initially carried two shuttles which were used extensively to survey planets and defend against attacking aliens. One ship lost the capability to fly into space so it was left on a planet with a few of Destiny's crew, who wanted to remain on the planet. Another is destroyed when Dr. Rush has a team explore a planet with a harsh atmosphere that causes the ship to crash into a mountain killing a crew member. However, later on in the season the ship left on the planet appears right next to Destiny after dropping out of FTL. This perplexes all aboard Destiny because the shuttle is unable to go into FTL, and it was too badly damaged to even fly outside of the atmosphere. Everyone on board came to the conclusion that it was the alien race that built the planet that Destiny came across earlier in the series who brought the shuttle to them. This shuttle was not only repaired, but restored to its original factory condition. A copy of the recovered shuttle was encountered some time later, after the expedition encountered a "time loop". The crew attempted to enact a modified plan to dial Destiny's stargate while the ship was recharging in a star in order to successfully dial back to Earth. This plan ultimately failed and resulted in the apparent loss of most of the crews live's and Destiny itself being sent back in time approximately twelve hours. With the crew gone and the ship itself having suffered critical damage, Rush abandoned Destiny aboard its shuttle and subsequently encountered a second version of himself, Destiny and its crew because of the time anomaly. Thus, Destiny was given a second shuttle in equally new condition as the first. However, in the series finale, after all other options were exhausted, the crew devised a plan to utilize the shuttle remotely as a diversion to lure the berserker drones and their control ship away from Destiny's location long enough for a team to gate to a planet with resources needed to effect repairs. By setting the shuttle up to emit a subspace pulse similar to the pulse that a stargate emits upon activation, the control ship traced the signal to the shuttle's location and the drones engaged it. However, upon Eli's suggestion, the shuttle's engines were set to overload and the shuttle was remotely piloted into the control ship while the engines simultaneously detonated, destroying the control ship and rendering its drones inactive. Though, Destiny was again left with a single shuttle.

In spite of the shuttle's small size, its firepower is significant. With two aft-mounted energy weapons, one port and one starboard respectively, the shuttle is an effective multirole transport/fighter craft. In several engagements, the shuttle has been utilized to assist Destiny in neutralizing smaller enemy craft that Destiny's point-defense weapons may otherwise have missed. As a defensive/offensive countermeasure, the shuttle possesses a stealth mode which allows it to become a decent reconnaissance craft. Additionally, each shuttle can accommodate up to five crew members (with a minimum of one necessary to pilot the craft), and up to twelve passengers. When not toting passengers the shuttle makes for a respectable cargo transport when gate travel is impractical or impossible.

Minor ships

Asgard starships

The starships of the Asgard are among the most advanced ever encountered by the SGC. All Asgard vessels in the series are depicted as being operated by only a single Asgard, although Thor makes a reference to evacuating his crew in "Nemesis".


The Asgard mothership is the first type of Asgard vessel seen in the series. In "Thor's Chariot", the Beliskner is the ship of Thor, Supreme Commander of the Asgard Fleet. It appears near the end of the episode to remove the forces of the Goa'uld Heru'ur from Cimmeria. The Beliskner is destroyed in the third season episode "Nemesis", where SG-1 crashes it into Earth's ocean after it becomes infested with Replicators. Several ships of this type also appear in "Small Victories", some of which are controlled by the Replicators.

Asgard motherships are equipped with intergalactic hyperdrives, two rear thrusters for sublight propulsion, and a forward-mounted deceleration drive to control planetary reentry.[35] They are also equipped with Asgard beaming technology.[36] The ship is powered by four neutrino ion generators.[35] Armed with advanced energy weapons and protected by powerful shields, Asgard motherships can comfortably expect victory against Goa'uld Ha'taks even if outnumbered. However, Anubis develops enhanced shielding based on Ancient technology that is resistant to the mothership's weaponry.[37] Asgard motherships utilize cloaking devices that render them invisible to radar,[38] and have internal dampening fields that prevent explosives from detonating inside the ship. Each ship has automated medical treatment systems, including medical stasis pods that can be used in dire emergencies. There are advanced AI systems onboard that allow the ship to be operated by a single crew member, and the main computer stores all the collected knowledge of the Asgard.[35]

O'Neill-class vessel

The O'Neill class is the most advanced starship constructed by the Asgard to date, incorporating all of their latest technology, and is designed specifically to fight the Replicators. Its hull is composed of an alloy of trinium, carbon and naqahdah,[39] and its armaments and defenses are, as such, substantially superior to earlier Asgard motherships.[37] The first ship of this type, also named O'Neill (named after Colonel Jack O'Neill of SG-1 in recognition of his actions on the behalf of the Asgard against the Replicators) was meant as a last defense against a Replicator invasion. Rather than fighting the replicators with it, however, Samantha Carter suggests using the unfinished O'Neill as bait to draw the Replicators away, giving the Asgard time to evacuate their civilization. The Replicators pursue the O'Neill into hyperspace, where they are destroyed when the O'Neill self-destructs.[39] More O'Neill-type ships appear in later episodes; three ships of this type force Anubis to retreat in "Revelations", and six ships, led by the Valhalla, ambush Fifth's Replicator ship over Orilla.[40] The last appearance of this ship is in battle against the Ori in "Camelot". The ship's fate is unknown, though its pilot Kvasir survived.

Science vessel

The Asgard science vessel is first seen in "Fragile Balance", used by the renegade Asgard scientist Loki. Another ship of this type, the Daniel Jackson, is Thor's ship in "New Order". Due to a Replicator threat, Thor takes the Daniel Jackson to Earth for Jack O'Neill and the knowledge of the Ancients in his mind, from which he synthesizes a Replicator disruptor and incorporates it into the Daniel Jackson to eliminate all the Replicators on Orilla. Thor and the Daniel Jackson return in "Reckoning", to assist SG-1 during the Replicator invasion of the Milky Way. The ship is infested by Replicators, and Thor sends it into deep space to protect Earth before abandoning it. The science vessel is comparable in size to a Goa'uld Ha'tak.[40] Like other Asgard vessels the ship is equipped with beaming technology, intergalactic hyperdrives, and shields, though they are ineffective against Replicator blocks.[40][41]

Minor ships

Earth starships

Throughout Stargate SG-1, a progression of Earth-built spacecraft incorporating alien technologies have been depicted. By season ten of the show, Earth possesses a small fleet of hyperspace-capable warships and spaceworthy fighters equipped with technology from the Goa'uld, Asgard, Ancients, and other sources.


The X-301 is Earth's first fighter capable of space travel, built using parts from two scavenged Goa'uld Death Gliders. It is featured in "Tangent". A recall program embedded in the alien computers takes over navigation and flies the fighter back to the Goa'uld, thus forcing the SGC to abandon it after rescuing the pilots.


The F-302 is the successor to the X-301, being based on a Death Glider but built from the ground up by humans, thereby avoiding the problems faced with the original. It is introduced in "Redemption", and becomes the mainstay of Earth's space force. It is capable of both atmospheric flight and space travel. The original X-302 prototype featured a hyperdrive, but it was far too unstable, and it was removed from the design.


The X-303 is Earth's first experimental spacefaring warship, first seen in "Prometheus". It uses both Earth and alien technologies, and has been upgraded several times in the series, notably by the Asgard. Upgrades included defensive shields, followed by reliable hyperdrive engines, and beaming technology.

On the maiden voyage, an overload caused by gravity waves destroyed the naquadriah powered hyperdrive's buffer, leading to the ejection and destruction of the hyperdrive generator. The hyperdrive engines of a Goa'uld Al'kesh are used to return the ship to Earth and eventually upgraded by the Asgard. The ship is destroyed in the ninth season episode "Ethon" by an Ori satellite.

Daedalus-class battlecruiser

The BC-304 is Earth's second-generation line of starships was originally planned to be a sister ship of the Prometheus but it was instead redesigned to better integrate the alien technologies that had been tested on the Prometheus. The first ship of the class, the Daedalus, appeared in the Stargate Atlantis episode "The Siege, Part 3". Other ships of its class include the Odyssey, Apollo, and Korolev. The Sun Tzu is mentioned in the last episode of Stargate Atlantis as well as the George Hammond (named in honor of the late General Hammond), which was under construction at the time. The George Hammond later appears in the pilot episode of Stargate Universe. The Korolev is the only Daedalus-class ship known to have been destroyed, though it was rushed through the production-line months early, and operated by the Russians who had not experienced piloting this craft. Other BC-304s have been severely damaged, but not destroyed.

Goa'uld starships

The Goa'uld operate a variety of starships. The control systems of Goa'uld ships are based on crystals,[42] a feature copied by the Earth ship Prometheus.[43] Since the collapse of the Goa'uld order in "Reckoning", most of their fleet have fallen into the hands of the Free Jaffa Nation[44] and the Lucian Alliance.[45]

Death glider

The Goa'uld death glider is a fast attack fighter capable of operating in an atmosphere,[46] in space,[47] and even underwater.[48] Its shape resembles the symbolic winged scarab beetle of ancient Egypt. Death gliders first appear in the Stargate movie. Gliders lack hyperdrives and are usually carried by Ha'taks into battle; their wings can be folded for more compact storage.[47] They are armed with two staff cannons.[46] Different death glider variants have been depicted: some carry only one pilot[46] while others have room for two.[47] An especially large glider is seen in "Children of the Gods", fitted with a ring transporter. Earth's F-302 fighters are derived from the death glider design.[49][50]


The Tel'tak, also called a Goa'uld cargo ship or Goa'uld scoutship, is a versatile spacecraft first seen in "Deadman Switch" and in the remastered version of the pilot episode. In Stargate SG-1, they are often used by the Tok'ra and the rebel Jaffa for missions into Goa'uld territory due to their unobtrusive nature;[51][52] the SGC also makes use of Tel'taks in the earlier seasons, when Earth does not yet possess its own hyperspace-capable ships.[53] The Tel'tak is equipped with shields and a hyperdrive. The configuration of the ship changes when in flight. It has two main sections: a cockpit in front and a cargo section in the back with a ring transporter.[54] There are four escape pods that can be ejected from the bottom of the ship. Tel'taks are usually unarmed,[51] though many are equipped with a cloaking device for protection.[55] A heavily modified Tel'tak with hidden compartments, a pulse wave generator, and the ability to create sensor decoys appears in "The Ties That Bind". Another modified Tel'tak with two staff cannons is seen in "Bounty".


An Al'kesh is a Goa'uld medium-range bomber[42] used for ground support and as scouts.[56] Its armaments consist of paired staff cannons on a belly turret for ship-to-ship combat[42] and explosive energy devices for ground bombardment.[57] Al'kesh are equipped with hyperdrives, allowing independent operation, and are highly maneuverable.[42] They do have shields,[58] for example in Stargate: Continuum. Some Al'kesh are equipped with cloaking devices and/or beaming technology.[59] Al'kesh appear in several episodes supporting Goa'uld attacks.[57][60][61] The Lucian Alliance has modified some Al'kesh into cargo haulers.[62]


A Ha'tak or Goa'uld mothership is a large starship used by the Goa'uld. In the series, it usually refers to a class of ship consisting of a superstructure with a large, golden tetrahedron or square pyramid (i.e. Ra's Mother ship) at the center, first shown onscreen briefly in "Singularity". The word "ha'tak", first used in the episode "Exodus", literally means "pyramid ship", and so can also refer generically to all the types of Goa'uld motherships. Ha'taks are shaped to land on pyramids,[46] although anything similar will suffice (on two occasions a Ha'tak lands on Cheyenne Mountain).[63][64] Ha'taks are equipped with hyperdrives and can travel over 32,000 times the speed of light.[65] The command center of a Ha'tak is known as the pel'tak.

Along with carrying squadrons of death gliders and other support ships, as well as thousands of Jaffa troops, Ha'taks can also assault planets directly from orbit.[56][63] They are armed with staff cannons scattered over the hull.[42] In the episode "There But For the Grace of God", the attacking Ha'tak vessels bombard the East Coast of the United States with blasts equal to 200-megaton nuclear warheads. They are protected by powerful energy shields capable of repelling conventional, nuclear, and energy weapons.[47] The shields can protect the ship's crew from the radiation of a blue giant star's corona for up to 10 hours.[66] In "The Serpent's Venom", Apophis is shown to have devised a way to cloak an entire fleet of motherships. This technology has not been seen since. After the fall of the Goa'uld, these ships fell into the hands of the Lucian Alliance who use them now for their own purposes.

Several Goa'uld mothership variants have been encountered:

Minor ships

Ori starships

The Ori order their followers to begin constructing a fleet of ships after learning of the existence of the Milky Way galaxy in "Origin". Due to their advanced technology, their ships pose a considerable threat.


An Ori fighter is a small dart-shaped attack vessel first seen in "Flesh and Blood", where they defeat a number of Death Gliders and Al'kesh over Chulak. Carried by Ori motherships, they are deployed from a ventral bay and are armed with powerful energy weapons. In "Line in the Sand", one is shown carrying a ring transporter platform that it drops to the ground, allowing troops to be deployed from the mothership.

Ori Mothership

Ori motherships first appear under construction in the episode "Crusade". Four ships invade the Milky Way galaxy in the following episode "Camelot", where they decimate a combined Asgard, Earth, Jaffa, Lucian Alliance, and Tok'ra fleet at P3Y-229 without taking any appreciable damage. In "Flesh and Blood", the ships proceed to conquer Chulak before splitting up. In the episode "The Pegasus Project", Teal'c lures an Ori mothership into the unstable vortex of the activating Supergate, destroying it. In "The Shroud", Daniel Jackson/Merlin commandeers a mothership in order to send the Sangraal to the Ori galaxy. However, his plan requires that the Supergate be reopened, and shortly after six more Ori motherships enter the galaxy. In the Stargate SG-1 finale "Unending", the Asgard equip the Earth battlecruiser Odyssey with plasma beam weapons that are effective against the shields of Ori motherships. Nevertheless, the Odyssey is outnumbered and only escapes the Ori through the creative use of a time dilation field. In Stargate: The Ark of Truth, all the Ori motherships stand down after the activation of the titular object.

One of the most formidable warships seen in Stargate, an Ori mothership's main weapon can destroy a Goa'uld Ha'tak in a single shot. It also has smaller energy weapons scattered around the hull. The ship is protected by shields that are impervious to all but the most powerful attacks.[68] The ship carries numerous fighters and can also land directly on a planetary surface.[69] The mothership is equipped with an intergalactic hyperdrive,[70] but it must use a Supergate to reach the Milky Way from the Ori home galaxy.[71] The technology of the Ori mothership must be "activated" by a Prior,[72] and only they (or the Orici) can control a mothership, which involves some degree of mental command.[73] Inside, the ship contains prayer rooms, armories, and quarters for the ordinary human warriors of the Ori.[69] The power source is located inside a large enclosed chamber and is of unknown design.[73]

Replicator starships

The Replicators typically infiltrate and take over the ships of other races for their own purposes. In the process, they can enhance the technology of those ships to perform better than the originals, using knowledge they have previously assimilated. Replicator-controlled Goa'uld Ha'taks appear in "Enemies" and "Reckoning", and Replicator-controlled Asgard motherships appear in "Small Victories". A Replicator-controlled vessel of unknown design appears in "Enemies" and "Unnatural Selection". The vessel engages Apophis' mothership with an energy beam weapon and is apparently destroyed, but not before infesting Apophis' ship.

In "New Order", the humanoid Replicator Fifth creates a ship made entirely of Replicator blocks with which to escape the time dilation field on Halla. The ship is equipped with shields, beaming technology, and intergalactic hyperdrives, and can fire projectiles made of Replicators to infiltrate other ships. Its interior can reconfigure according to Fifth's wishes. The ship is destroyed over the new Asgard homeworld Orilla as it exits hyperspace, though its fragments land on Orilla and reform into Replicators. Fifth escapes Orilla and the Replicator Disruptor by forming a smaller spider-like ship out of Replicators. In "Gemini", Fifth has reformed the larger Replicator ship and arrives in the Milky Way along with Replicator Carter, who conspires to have that ship and Fifth destroyed by a Replicator disruptor satellite. Replicator Carter herself creates a third version of the Replicator ship, from which she commands the full-scale invasion of the Milky Way in "Reckoning". The ship and all other Replicators in the galaxy are disintegrated into their component parts by the Dakara superweapon at the end of that episode.

Wraith starships

In Stargate Atlantis, the Wraith are the dominant race in the Pegasus galaxy, with a large fleet based around enormous hive ships. Their ships lack shields and are generally less powerful than the ships of their defeated enemies, the Ancients.[16] Wraith ships have a hybrid organic nature; they are grown, not built, and may have some degree of self-awareness. They begin with a pathogen that infects a human, and uses energy to convert both organic and non-organic matter nearby into a biopolymer similar to a polysaccharide, but with organometallic compounds mixed in. The polymer is initially soft and malleable but eventually hardens into a dense substance that is resistant to heat, pressure, and radiation. The growing process can be stopped if the human nucleus is freed from the pathogen.[74]


The Wraith dart is a small, one-man attack craft capable of fitting through a Stargate, first seen in "Rising". They generate a loud, distinctive sound when flying in an atmosphere.[1] Darts lack hyperdrives and rely on Stargates or larger vessels to travel around the galaxy.[75] The dart's main role is to capture humans for feeding, dematerializing them using a culling beam mounted on its underside.[1] Large numbers of darts are carried by Wraith hive ships [76] and cruisers.[23] In ship-to-ship combat, they are deployed as dogfighters and as point defense against missiles. If a dart's mothership is destroyed, they will perform kamikaze attacks on nearby enemy targets.[77] Like other Wraith ships, darts are partially organic. The canopy of a Wraith dart is composed of energy and is opaque when active, functioning as a giant HUD.[78] Darts are armed with a pair of forward-firing energy weapons, capable of destroying a puddle jumper with a direct hit.[75] Sustained machine gun fire is sufficient to bring down a dart.[1][79] John Sheppard learns how to fly a dart in the season 2 episode "The Lost Boys".


A Wraith cruiser is medium-sized warship first seen in "Letters from Pegasus". Like hive ships, Wraith cruisers incorporate organic technology and lack shields. Their armaments consist of energy weapons, which can conduct orbital bombardments.[25] They are equipped with sub-light engines and hyperdrives,[76] and are also capable of flying in an atmosphere[80] and landing on a planet surface.[81] They carry numerous darts in a ventral bay.[23] Several cruisers escort the three hive ships headed for Atlantis, but retreat after the hive ships are destroyed.[25] In "The Siege, Part 3", a Wraith cruiser attempts to dock with the Daedalus for boarding. A Wraith cruiser attacks the Olesians in "Condemned". The episode "Submersion" shows that a cruiser served as the flagship for the Wraith Queen who led the first siege of Atlantis. That vessel was downed by the Ancients and came to rest on the ocean floor, where it remained largely intact and somewhat functional for 10,000 years. A cruiser serves as the base for the renegade Wraith Michael. It evades the plasma beams of the battlecruiser Daedalus in "The Kindred" but is destroyed by the Daedalus in "Search and Rescue".

Hive ship

Wraith hive ships are one of the largest spacecraft in the Stargate universe and the centers of Wraith civilization. One first appears in "Rising", where it was not recognizable as a ship as it had rested on a planet for so long that tall trees grew on its back. There were over sixty hive ships in the Pegasus galaxy when the Atlantis expedition arrived.[82] Due to internecine strife amongst the Wraith over an inadequate human food supply, most hive ships barely tolerate one another's presence, with open hostilities being more common in the later seasons.[22][83][84] Notable exceptions occur in "The Siege, Part 3", where twelve hive ships cooperate to attack Atlantis, and in "Be All My Sins Remember'd", where seven hive ships ally with Atlantis to defeat the Asurans. Over the course of Stargate Atlantis, a number of hive ships have been destroyed in various conflicts. Many hives are without Queens and cannot replenish their losses, making the Wraith more reluctant to commit them to battle.[20]

Hive ships contain untold numbers of stasis pods for hibernating Wraith,[1] as well as pods in which human victims are preserved for future feeding in cocoons.[82] Hive ships are partially organic and lack shields, though they are capable of regeneration.[84] They can withstand a hit from a Mark III tactical nuclear weapon, though not without suffering major damage.[16] Hive ships are equipped with hyperdrives, though they must make periodic stops to allow their organic components to recover from hyperspace radiation.[16] Hive ships mount numerous energy weapons throughout their hull and wield massive firepower.[77][83] They also function as carriers, launching huge numbers of Wraith darts and supported by Wraith cruisers.[76] However, the launch bays represent a vulnerable area where damage can lead to secondary internal explosions.[16] Shortly after encountering the offensive use of Asgard beaming technology by the Daedalus, hive ships initiate countermeasures to prevent Earth ships from beaming onto their ships.[77] A hive ship's consoles require telepathic control; Teyla Emmagan (who has trace amounts of Wraith DNA) can somewhat operate a hive ship with great effort.[85]

Super Hive ship

A super hive is the natural result of providing a growing hive ship with the power it needs to exceed it's normal size limits. The only known super hive uses a captured ZPM to vastly enhance firepower, armour and sensors. This vessel is only seen once in the final episode of SGA where it proves superior to the Daedalus class battlecruiser dispatching 3 before it is destroyed. There is no reference to such a vessel being produced by the wraith prior to this; however, it is not inconceivable that such a vessel was grown and destroyed during the Ancients war with the wraith. The knowledge and ability to grow more super hives could have been lost in a single battle much like it was in SGA.

Minor ships

Miscellaneous starships


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l "Rising" (Stargate Atlantis)
  2. ^ a b c d "The Return" (Stargate Atlantis)
  3. ^ a b c "Moebius" (Stargate SG-1)
  4. ^ a b c "Grace Under Pressure" (Stargate Atlantis)
  5. ^ Peter DeLuise in the audio commentary for "Moebius (Part 2)"
  6. ^ a b "Thirty-Eight Minutes" (Stargate Atlantis)
  7. ^ "Suspicion" (Stargate Atlantis)
  8. ^ a b "The Storm" (Stargate Atlantis)
  9. ^ "Tao of Rodney" (Stargate Atlantis)
  10. ^ a b "Adrift" (Stargate Atlantis)
  11. ^ "Lifeline" (Stargate Atlantis)
  12. ^ "Before I Sleep" (Stargate Atlantis)
  13. ^ "It's Good To Be King" (Stargate SG-1)
  14. ^ "Inferno" (Stargate Atlantis)
  15. ^ "Progeny" (Stargate Atlantis)
  16. ^ a b c d e f "No Man's Land" (Stargate Atlantis)
  17. ^ "Travelers" (Stargate Atlantis)
  18. ^ "The Lost Tribe" (Stargate Atlantis)
  19. ^ "This Mortal Coil" (Stargate Atlantis)
  20. ^ a b c "Be All My Sins Remember'd" (Stargate Atlantis)
  21. ^ a b "Aurora" (Stargate Atlantis)
  22. ^ a b "Spoils of War" (Stargate Atlantis)
  23. ^ a b c "Search and Rescue" (Stargate Atlantis)
  24. ^ a b "Hot Zone" (Stargate Atlantis)
  25. ^ a b c d "The Siege" (Stargate Atlantis)
  26. ^ "The Brotherhood" (Stargate Atlantis)
  27. ^ "Hide and Seek" (Stargate Atlantis)
  28. ^ Sumner, Darren & Read, David (April 5, 2008). "Stargate Universe Revealed!". GateWorld. Retrieved 2008-04-05. 
  29. ^ Air, Pt. 1 and 2
  30. ^ Read, David (December 2008). "Crossroads – GateWorld talks with Martin Gero". GateWorld. Retrieved 2008-12-08. 
  31. ^ Hibberd, James (August 22, 2008). ""Stargate" stays open with new series". Reuters. Retrieved 2008-08-22. 
  32. ^ "Carlyle to star in Stargate show". BBC News. December 16, 2008. Retrieved 2008-12-16. 
  33. ^ Mallozzi, Joseph (January 2, 2009). "January 2, 2009: Brad Wright Answers Your Questions". Retrieved 2009-01-03. 
  34. ^ "Echoes" (Stargate Atlantis)
  35. ^ a b c "Nemesis" (Stargate SG-1)
  36. ^ "Thor's Chariot" (Stargate SG-1)
  37. ^ a b "Revelations" (Stargate SG-1)
  38. ^ "Fair Game" (Stargate SG-1)
  39. ^ a b "Small Victories" (Stargate SG-1)
  40. ^ a b c "New Order" (Stargate SG-1)
  41. ^ "Reckoning" (Stargate SG-1)
  42. ^ a b c d e "Exodus" (Stargate SG-1)
  43. ^ "Prometheus" (Stargate SG-1)
  44. ^ "Stronghold" (Stargate SG-1)
  45. ^ "The Ties That Bind" (Stargate SG-1)
  46. ^ a b c d Stargate
  47. ^ a b c d "The Serpent's Lair" (Stargate SG-1)
  48. ^ "Descent" (Stargate SG-1)
  49. ^ "Tangent" (Stargate SG-1)
  50. ^ "Fallen" (Stargate SG-1)
  51. ^ a b "Jolinar's Memories" (Stargate SG-1)
  52. ^ "Redemption" (Stargate SG-1)
  53. ^ "Fail Safe" (Stargate SG-1)
  54. ^ "The Devil You Know" (Stargate SG-1)
  55. ^ "Deadman Switch" (Stargate SG-1)
  56. ^ a b Stargate: Continuum
  57. ^ a b "Summit" (Stargate SG-1)
  58. ^ "48 Hours" (Stargate SG-1)
  59. ^ "Endgame" (Stargate SG-1)
  60. ^ "Heroes" (Stargate SG-1)
  61. ^ "Lost City" (Stargate SG-1)
  62. ^ "Bounty" (Stargate SG-1)
  63. ^ a b "There But For the Grace of God"
  64. ^ "Point of View" (Stargate SG-1)
  65. ^ Selmak states in "Exodus" that a Ha'tak can travel over 4 million light-years in 125 years.
  66. ^ a b c "Enemies" (Stargate SG-1)
  67. ^ a b "Full Circle" (Stargate SG-1)
  68. ^ "Camelot". Stargate SG-1.
  69. ^ a b "Crusade". Stargate SG-1.
  70. ^ "Unending". Stargate SG-1.
  71. ^ "Beachhead". Stargate SG-1.
  72. ^ "Crusade". Stargate SG-1.
  73. ^ a b "Counterstrike". Stargate SG-1.
  74. ^ "The Seed" (Stargate Atlantis)
  75. ^ a b "The Gift" (Stargate Atlantis)
  76. ^ a b c "Letters from Pegasus" (Stargate Atlantis)
  77. ^ a b c "The Siege, Part 3" (Stargate Atlantis)
  78. ^ "The Lost Boys" (Stargate Atlantis)
  79. ^ "Duet" (Stargate Atlantis)
  80. ^ "Condemned" (Stargate Atlantis)
  81. ^ "Michael" (Stargate Atlantis)
  82. ^ a b "Underground" (Stargate Atlantis)
  83. ^ a b "The Hive" (Stargate Atlantis)
  84. ^ a b "Allies" (Stargate Atlantis)
  85. ^ "Misbegotten" (Stargate Atlantis)
  86. ^ MGM Stargate Stills
  87. ^ "Scorched Earth" (Stargate SG-1)
  88. ^ a b "Space Race" (Stargate SG-1)
  89. ^ "Forsaken" (Stargate SG-1)
  90. ^ "The Daedalus Variations" (Stargate Atlantis)
  91. ^ "Lifeboat" (Stargate SG-1)
  92. ^ "Grace" (Stargate SG-1)
  93. ^ a b Mallozzi, Joseph (May 4, 2010). "Victory is sweet! And peanut buttery too! Artwork, schematics, and set pics from Stargate: Universe episode #11, Space!". Retrieved July 26, 2010.